Dear Guys,

please check your pace email.


勤洗手 遠離 Swine flu!


Letter from Pace email:


April 30, 2009


The New York City Health Department has just released the following statement:


The Health Department is currently investigating a probable case of swine origin influenza A (H1N1) in a 20 year old Pace University student. The student was hospitalized overnight with influenza-like symptoms and is now recuperating at home. The student has not attended classes since being evaluated. Specimens have been sent to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for confirmatory testing.


Although swine flu symptoms often resemble seasonal flu symptoms, the New York City Department of Health advises people with any flu symptoms to seek medical evaluation. Influenzas usually respond well to antiviral medications. Pace is continuing to work with the Health Department on ways to monitor the disease and deal with it. For more information on swine flu and how to protect yourself, please visit the websites of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention and the New York City Health Department or call 911.



                                                 --Darnita Killian

                                                    Vice President for Student Affairs


Please take care!!!



Pace U


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